Hey 🖖 I'm Danny

Dad | Software Developer

Hello and welcome to my little web development portfolio where you can find a selection of some of my open source work. I'm a web developer working primarily with PHP and Typescript.

💫 Skills/Experience

PHP TypeScript SASS CSS JavaScript Laravel Symfony LESS VueJS ReactJS AWS Docker Windows Ubuntu/Linux MacOS SCRUM Agile DigitalOcean HTML

🛠️ My Work

version 0.1.7

composer create-project lumax/luma

Luma is just another PHP framework designed to make it as quick as possible to build simple websites. It is comprised of several of my Luma components.

Features include; a dynamic routing system, dependency injection, HTTP component including client, templating engine (using Latte), view caching, a logger and debugging using Tracy.

Also includes a pre-defined build process and Typescript support out of the box.

This site is built using Luma.

Luma | Routing Component

version 1.3.3

composer require lumax/routing-component

A dynamic routing component for the Luma framework. Can be used in any PHP project alongside any PSR compliant dependency injection container.

Utilises the Luma HTTP Component for request handling.

Luma | HTTP Component

version 2.0.4

composer require lumax/http-component

A PSR compliant HTTP component library complete with HTTP client. Used by the Luma framework but can easily be used in other PHP projects.

Luma | Dependency Injection Component

version 1.1.6

composer require lumax/dependency-injection-component

Another package used by the Luma framework. Includes a PSR-11 compliant implementation of a dependency injection container, including a dependency manager for use within PHP applications.


version 0.4.2

npm install --save-dev @dannyxcii/badger

Badger is a command line application built with Typescript that allows you to easily add clean, stylised badges to your projects README file to display information about your project such as version and test coverage.

Console Logger

version 0.2.2

npm install --save-dev @dannyxcii/console-logger

A simple Typescript application for displaying colourised console output. Allows you to easily output success, error, info or other custom messages.


version 1.1.0

composer global require dannyxcii/phpenv

A command line application installable via Composer that enables you to build Docker containers suitable for PHP development on a project-by-project basis.

Includes; PHP 8.2, Opcache, xDebug, Nginx, MySQL and Redis.

Supports frameworks such as Laravel and Symfony (and Luma, of course).